2016 聖殿教儀時間
八人以上團體,可預約場次和時間。 個人恩道門、聖殿婚姻或家庭印證,請事先與聖殿聯絡,並請務必提早60分鐘抵達。 |
2016 聖殿特別日期
住宿 遠地成員前來聖殿執行教儀,如需安排住宿,請事先與聖殿連絡。聖殿關閉期間及週六不提供住宿。 住宿登記 Tel: (02) 2322-4246 Fax: (02) 2322-4182 E-mail: taipe-off@ldschurch.org 我的聖殿出席記錄
台灣台北聖殿 台北市愛國東路256號 Tel: (02) 2192-4930~2 Fax: (02) 2341-6336 聖殿小叮嚀
歡迎到聖殿來,希望大家在主的屋宇中都能獲得平安和快樂! |
2016 Temple Ordinance Schedule
Group of eight or above, may make an appointment. Living Ordinance: Please make an appointment for Own Endowments, Marriages, or Sealings. Please arrive 60 minutes prior to appointment time. |
2016 Temple Special Dates
Patron Housing Patron Housing is available for patrons who come to participate in temple ordinances and travel from afar. Please contact the temple for reservations. Patron housing is NOT available during temple close down or on weekends. Patron Housing Registration Tel: (02) 2322-4246 Fax: (02) 2322-4182 E-mail: taipe-off@ldschurch.org My Temple Attendance
Taipei Taiwan Temple 256 Ai Kuo East RD. Taipei 106, Taiwan Tel: (02) 2192-4930~2 Fax: (02) 2341-6336 Temple Reminders
Welcome to the temple. We hope that you will find peace and joy in the House of the Lord! |