



  1. 訂房事宜
    1. 家庭與兒童: 家庭(若含青少年),需持有效聖殿推薦書;若有12 歲以下的兒童要參加聖殿教儀,歡迎預約入住。12 歲以下的兒童,在聖殿廣場的任何地方活動,或是在使用與會者住房設施時,都必須時時有一位負責的成人全程在場。
    2. 預約訂房:聖殿區域內的與會者、聖殿工作人員、年長者及行動不便者將優先安排。由於床位有限及特殊情況的需求,聖殿保留取消預約的權利,如需調整與會者住房,經理會於七日前通知。訂房預約專線:02-2322-4246 或 E-mail:,務必註明:姓名、電話、性別、住宿日期、支分會和緊急連絡人資訊。
    3. 確認訂房:如果您臨時無法入住,或是需要調整,請提前告知;若當天聯絡不到您,我們將取消您的訂房。
    4. 床位:請依照排定的床位號碼住宿,勿私下更換。
  2. 生活環境
    1. 飲食:請在一樓餐廳開放時間內(每日6:00-20:00)用餐,勿在客廳或寢室用餐。使用廚房設備後,請清潔並將物品歸位。
    2. 冰箱:退房時,請將個人物品帶走,週六冰箱會清空。
    3. 清潔:住宿時,請使用床單、床罩和枕頭套;退房,請依照指示放在定點的洗衣籃內,並將枕頭及被子,放回衣櫃內;房間及廁所請保持整潔。垃圾請放置在客廳垃圾桶。
    4. 洗衣房:僅做公務使用。櫃檯有鄰近洗衣房、自助洗衣店的資訊,可提供查詢。
  3. 安全規範
    1. 與會者住房不負責個人物品以及財物保管的責任,務必妥善保管貴重物品與個人財物。
    2. 請妥善保管鑰匙:若遺失需負擔換鎖工本費NT$500。基於安全考量,鑰匙請勿外借;退房時,將鑰匙歸還櫃檯;並注意個人衣櫃、門戶,隨手關門、上鎖。
    3. 安全考量下,請勿邀請未登記住宿的人員,進入使用與會者住宿的房間和設施。
  4. 其他
    1. 辦理入住登記時間為:中午 12:00 – 下午 2:00,以及下午 6:00-7:00。逾時不候;退房時間為:當日上午 11:00 前。
    2. 外出,請在 22:30 以前返回。晚上 22:30 到早上 6:00,如需交談、或處理事務,請輕聲細語。
    3. 節約能源:隨手關燈、關水、關冷氣;不提供盥洗用具、沐浴乳和洗髮精。
    4. 行李臨時借放,請洽與會者住宿經理;星期六,請在下午 13:30 以前取回。
    5. 先知勸告我們:舉止和穿著要端莊。儀表整潔、行為和穿著端莊,就可邀請聖靈同在。去聖殿時,請穿著安息日服裝。

台灣台北聖殿 謹啟

Taipei Taiwan Temple Patron Housing

We welcome you to the Taipei Temple Patron House. Patron housing is provided only for the accommodations of patrons attending or participating in temple ordinances each day. We hope you will have a wonderful experience and feel the spirit during your stay.  If you need other accommodation arrangements in the area, please feel free to contact patron housing personnel.


  1. Families: Housing is for families, including youth, with a current temple recommend, children who have come to the temple to be sealed to their parents, and infants who are nursing.
  2. Minors: All minors should always be accompanied by a chaperone during their stay, whether inside the patron house or at temple grounds.
  3. Reservations: Priority reservation is given to patrons, temple workers, elderly, persons with disabilities in the temple district. Due to limited housing facilities or under certain circumstances, Temple Patron Housing reserves the right to make any cancellation when necessary. Patrons will be notified seven days in advance. Reservation can be made by calling: +886-2-2322-4246 or email: For email, please include name, phone number, gender, ward/branch, emergency contact information, and designated date of stay.
  4. Confirmation of reservation: If the patron couldn’t be reached or failed to respond on the day, the reservation will be subject to cancellation. If you need to reschedule, please notify patron housing in advance.
  5. Rooms/beds: Guests will be assigned rooms and beds by Temple Patron Housing.

On site facilities

  1. Food: Dining area is located on the first floor and is open from 6:00am-20:00pm.  Please do not dine in the living room area or in bedrooms. Ensure to clean up after each use of kitchen and return all items to proper places.
  2. Refrigerator: Please remove personal items upon check-out. The personal items will be removed on Saturday.
  3. Cleaning: Please help maintain tidiness in the room and bathroom. We have provided bed sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases in each room. When the stay is completed, please remove and drop them in designated carts that are indicated by instruction. Meanwhile, store the pillows and blankets in the closet and take the trash out to the garbage bin in the living room.
  4. Laundry room: For staff use only. However, there are laundromats available in the neighborhood; information can be found in the reception area.

Housing policies

  1. Temple Patron Housing is not responsible for any loss of personal items. Please ensure to store your valued items in a safe and secure place.
  2. Please keep your keys in a safe place. Loss of keys will be charged NT$500 for replacement. Please do not lend keys to others and always keep the door closed and locked. Please return the keys upon check-out.
  3. Please do not invite unregistered guests or friends into private rooms or to use housing facilities.


  1. Check-in time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm & 6:00pm - 7:00pm. No check-in service out of the two time slots.  Check-out time: before 11:00am.
  2. Please return to patron house by 22:30pm. Quiet hour: 22:30-6:00am, please keep the volume down to maintain a quiet environment.
  3. To save energy, please remember to switch off lights and air-conditioners when you leave your room. We do not provide toiletries, shampoo, or body wash, etc.
  4. If you need temporary spacing for luggage, please contact the supervisor. On Saturday, don’t forget to get it back before 1:30pm.
  5. Prophets have counseled us to dress modestly.  It will invite the Spirit in the temple as well as in the patron house. Always go to the temple in your Sunday best.

Sincerely yours,

Taipei Taiwan Temple